Wow! Jetzt ist das Brüderchen schon zwei Wochen alt! Und es kommt uns so vor, als wäre er schon immer bei uns gewesen.
Was tut sich also so bei uns bzw. was kann ich aus dem Wochenbett berichten!?
Wow! The little brother is now two weeks old already! And it seems to us as if he has been with us forever!
So, what's going on with us and what can I tell you from our first time together?
Wow! The little brother is now two weeks old already! And it seems to us as if he has been with us forever!
So, what's going on with us and what can I tell you from our first time together?
Der kleine Herr liebt sein Brüderchen heiß und innig. Leider fast ein bisserl zuuu viel! Wir müssen ihn ständig ermahnen, vorsichtig zu streicheln, nicht in die Augen zu stupsen und ihn nicht alle 5 Minuten durch unzählige Bussis aufzuwecken. Tja, kleine Geschwisterkinder müssen echt härter im Nehmen sein als die Erstgeborenen!
The little man loves his brother very much. Even a little too much! We have to constantly remind him to be careful when he's kissing or petting him and not to stub his little eyes or not to wake him every 5 minutes with his constant kissing. Well, I guess little siblings have to be a little more resiliant than the first born.
The little man loves his brother very much. Even a little too much! We have to constantly remind him to be careful when he's kissing or petting him and not to stub his little eyes or not to wake him every 5 minutes with his constant kissing. Well, I guess little siblings have to be a little more resiliant than the first born.
Der Ornithologe war die ersten 10 Tage auf Papaurlaub daheim. Zumindest die ersten paar Tage ganz und danach hat er halbtags gearbeitet und ist immer mit dem kleinen Herrn nach Hause gekommen. Das war eine unglaublich große Hilfe und superschön, dass wir so viel Zeit gemeinsam hatten!
The ornithologist was home with us the first 10 days. At least the first few days he was home fulltime and then he worked only half time and picked up the little man from förskola and then stayed home with us for the rest of the day. That was a very big help and totally wonderful that we had so much time together!
The ornithologist was home with us the first 10 days. At least the first few days he was home fulltime and then he worked only half time and picked up the little man from förskola and then stayed home with us for the rest of the day. That was a very big help and totally wonderful that we had so much time together!
Meine Eltern waren ja die Woche vor der Geburt da und haben uns bekocht und verwöhnt und die Schwiegereltern waren ja zur Zeit der Geburt da und haben auf den kleinen Herrn geschaut und mich/uns dann die ersten 3 Tage verwöhnt - das war suuuper und nochmals ein riesengroßes Danke! an alle dafür!
My parents were here the week before the birth and cooked and cared for us and the in-laws were here at the time of the birth and looked after the little man and also cared for us the first 3 days at home - that was sooo awesome and we have to say a huge Thank you! again!
My parents were here the week before the birth and cooked and cared for us and the in-laws were here at the time of the birth and looked after the little man and also cared for us the first 3 days at home - that was sooo awesome and we have to say a huge Thank you! again!
Mit mir geht's auch wieder aufwärts! Ich kann mittlerweile wieder relativ normal sitzen (wobei unbeschwertes Hinsetzen sicher noch dauern wird) und meine Energie kehrt langsam auch zurück! Ich bin recht überrascht, dass mir nach der normalen Geburt alles so viel länger weh tut als nach dem Kaiserschnitt! Trotzdem bin ich unendlich froh, dass es diesmal natürlich geklappt hat und ich keine Bauch-OP hatte - da könnte ich nämlich noch länger nichts tragen etc.
I am slowly getting better as well! Now I am able to sit down quite okay again (although I'm sure that sitting down carefree will take some time) and my energy is slowly coming back as well! I am quite surprised that it takes longer for me to get back to normal after the "normal" birth than it took after the C-section! But I'm extremely grateful anyway that it worked naturally this time and that I did not need an operation this time - because I would not be able to carry anything heavy for even longer etc.
I am slowly getting better as well! Now I am able to sit down quite okay again (although I'm sure that sitting down carefree will take some time) and my energy is slowly coming back as well! I am quite surprised that it takes longer for me to get back to normal after the "normal" birth than it took after the C-section! But I'm extremely grateful anyway that it worked naturally this time and that I did not need an operation this time - because I would not be able to carry anything heavy for even longer etc.
Ich esse zur Zeit mengenmäßig wie ein Pferd und unsere Schokoladevorräte sind auch nicht vor mir sicher. Trotzdem geht's mit der Abnehmerei anscheinend genau so wie nach der ersten Schwangerschaft. Hatte ja diesmal 17 Kilo zugenommen und davon übrig sind jetzt nur noch 5... in meine stretchigen Hosen pass ich auch wieder rein. Weiß nicht, was ich außer Essen noch tun soll, um den Gewichtsverlust zu vermeiden, weil der Gewichtsverlust ja nicht magischerweise an dem Gewicht vor der Schwangerschaft aufhört. Naja. Vielleicht pendelt es sich ja doch noch ein. *hoff*
Right now I eat like a horse (quantity wise) and our chocolate stash is dwindling because of me. But I'm losing weight very fast anyways like with our first baby. This time I gained 17 kilos and I only have 5 of them left to lose… and I already fit into my strechty pre-pregnancy pants. I don't know what else I should do, except for eating, to not loose weight so quickly. Because unfortunately the weight-loss doesn't just magically stop at the pre-pregnancy weight mark… but we will see, maybe it will just stop by itself. *hope*
Right now I eat like a horse (quantity wise) and our chocolate stash is dwindling because of me. But I'm losing weight very fast anyways like with our first baby. This time I gained 17 kilos and I only have 5 of them left to lose… and I already fit into my strechty pre-pregnancy pants. I don't know what else I should do, except for eating, to not loose weight so quickly. Because unfortunately the weight-loss doesn't just magically stop at the pre-pregnancy weight mark… but we will see, maybe it will just stop by itself. *hope*
Mit dem Stillen klappt's erwartungsgemäß sehr gut. Das Brüderchen hatte eine Woche nach der Geburt schon fast 200 Gramm zu seinem Geburtsgewicht zugenommen (Im Mittelalter wär ich sicher Amme gewesen...) und bei der heutigen Kontrolle wog er schon 4,8 kg und war 55 cm lang!
Nursing works really well, like expected. The little brother hat already gained 200 gramms to his birthweight one week after the birth. (In the middle ages I'm sure I would have been a milk-maid) and at today's checkup he was already 4.8 kgs and 55 cms long!
Nursing works really well, like expected. The little brother hat already gained 200 gramms to his birthweight one week after the birth. (In the middle ages I'm sure I would have been a milk-maid) and at today's checkup he was already 4.8 kgs and 55 cms long!
Tja, ansonsten denk ich noch recht oft an die Geburt. Vielleicht schreib ich ja noch einen Geburtsbericht zur Erinnerung und weil ich persönlich sowas sehr gerne lese ;-)
Well, other than that I'm still thinking a lot about the birth. Maybe I will write up a birth story to remember it better and because I really like to read those myself ;-)
Well, other than that I'm still thinking a lot about the birth. Maybe I will write up a birth story to remember it better and because I really like to read those myself ;-)
Schön, dass es euch so gut geht!! Und jaaaa, ich würde bitte gerne einen Geburtsbericht lesen, ich les sowas ja auch total gern ;-) Alles Liebe, Ulli